Monday, February 06, 2012

Concerning Server Stability

Ok, so for those of you who do play regularly, and check this site as well, you would notice the server does go down quite often. This, I am told, is due to Craft Bukkit and the fact that it is an open source.


Bukkit, as I understand it, is what really allows the server to run MC within it. Thus the problem of bugs and updates rises. As bugs within Bukkit are fixed, new ones emerge and are fixed, and the patches are distributed. The process really doesn't end, and it would take a terrifically long time to complete and fix all the bugs within the entirety of MC. As more patches become available for MC 1.1, the amount of bugs needed to be fixed will decline, as will the server down times. So as time goes by, this will happen less and less, until a new MC update comes around.

Thus i resign and ask you to be patient.

Thank you.


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