Hello. LikeGoogle would like to introduce a brand new plug-in on our servers.
The 1st faction is The Federation of Fannyan. I myself am a member and proclaimmyself temporary leader of the country. (unless Ducks throws a cou)
Bellow is a list of commands and options:
/f help,h,? [page] – Display a help page
/f list,ls *[page] – Show a list of thefactions
/f show,who *[faction tag] – Showdetailed information on a certain faction
/f map *[on|off] – Show an ascii-art mapof the nearby territory
/f power *[player name] – Show eitheryour own power or another player’s power
/f join [faction name] – Join afaction
/f leave – Leave your faction
/f chat,c – Switch faction only chat onand off
/f home – Teleport to the faction home
/f create [faction tag] – Create a newfaction with you as admin
/f desc [desc] – Change the factiondescription
/f tag [faction tag] – Change the factiontag
/f open,close – Switch if invitation isrequired to join
/f invite,inv [player name] – Invite aplayer
/f deinvite,inv [player name] – Remove apending invitation
If your faction is closed invitations are required to join the faction.
/f sethome *[faction tag] – Set thefaction home
/f claim – Claim the land where you arestanding
/f unclaim, declaim – Unclaim the landwhere you are standing
The area claimed is a Minecraft “chunk”, an 16×16 area all the way from bedrockto the sky. If you are claiming territory from another faction you must startat the border. Only faction moderators and admin can do this.
/f owner *[player name] – Set/removeownership of a 16×16 claimed territory. If a player name is specified, thatplayer will be added or removed from the owner list for the territory. If noplayer name is specified, it will either set ownership to the player runningthe command (if no owners are currently set) or completely clear ownership ofthe territory.
/f ownerlist – View a list of owners forthe current area. Only works inside your own faction’s territory.
/f kick [player name] – Kick a playerfrom the faction.
/f mod [player name] – Give or revokemoderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be factionadmin to do this.
/f admin [player name] – Hand over youradmin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing it over
/f title [player name] *[title] – Set orremove a players title
/f noboom – enable/disable explosionsinside your faction’s territory
Set which relation you WISH to have with another faction.Factions.
The 1st faction is The Federation of Fannyan. I myself am a member and proclaimmyself temporary leader of the country. (unless Ducks throws a cou)
Bellow is a list of commands and options:
/f help,h,? [page] – Display a help page
/f list,ls *[page] – Show a list of thefactions
/f show,who *[faction tag] – Showdetailed information on a certain faction
/f map *[on|off] – Show an ascii-art mapof the nearby territory
/f power *[player name] – Show eitheryour own power or another player’s power
/f join [faction name] – Join afaction
/f leave – Leave your faction
/f chat,c – Switch faction only chat onand off
/f home – Teleport to the faction home
/f create [faction tag] – Create a newfaction with you as admin
/f desc [desc] – Change the factiondescription
/f tag [faction tag] – Change the factiontag
/f open,close – Switch if invitation isrequired to join
/f invite,inv [player name] – Invite aplayer
/f deinvite,inv [player name] – Remove apending invitation
If your faction is closed invitations are required to join the faction.
/f sethome *[faction tag] – Set thefaction home
/f claim – Claim the land where you arestanding
/f unclaim, declaim – Unclaim the landwhere you are standing
The area claimed is a Minecraft “chunk”, an 16×16 area all the way from bedrockto the sky. If you are claiming territory from another faction you must startat the border. Only faction moderators and admin can do this.
/f owner *[player name] – Set/removeownership of a 16×16 claimed territory. If a player name is specified, thatplayer will be added or removed from the owner list for the territory. If noplayer name is specified, it will either set ownership to the player runningthe command (if no owners are currently set) or completely clear ownership ofthe territory.
/f ownerlist – View a list of owners forthe current area. Only works inside your own faction’s territory.
/f kick [player name] – Kick a playerfrom the faction.
/f mod [player name] – Give or revokemoderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be factionadmin to do this.
/f admin [player name] – Hand over youradmin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing it over
/f title [player name] *[title] – Set orremove a players title
/f noboom – enable/disable explosionsinside your faction’s territory
/f ally [faction name]
/f neutral [faction name]
/f enemy [faction name]
Welcome to the Federation of Fannyan!
(Fannyan Flag above)
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