Lets start with the basics: The map is obviously for, observing topography of the world around you. But the fact is, there are many worlds to explore. Such as the Nether and the End. Also there are multiple regular world biome worlds as well. There a multiple buttons for each world. A 2D and 3D view (shown) of the world discovered of recent. Also one can see the subterranean tunnels and caves within the worlds as well.
Also a chat box at the bottom of the page is there for chatting with in-game and on-page players (At this time only one message will appear on screen on the map page and to prevent spamming no one person on the page may say two comments within 5 seconds of each other comment)
A Digital/Analog time readout tells the worlds current time. The sun and moon are both animated within the readout. (Notice: All worlds run on the same time as shown above on the page and is all standardized)
Also, when players are online their avatar’s face appears upon the map. (This is a layer function on the top left of the screen) You can click the icon of a particular player and “follow” them wherever they go.
Also, a neat and functional feature is, when one drags one’s mouse curser upon the confines of the map, a X Y & Z axis are given to you in the upper left hand corner.
Holy cow batman! That's allot of stuff! Well there's probably more to come anyway, so don't get to comfy yet.
So before everyone gets all “pro” about this and then it changes a whole major lot and give me a lot of grief about it, let me give a disclaimer to you all: In all likely hood Ducks will make some modifications to this tool very soon.
Please click on the image above if these instructions do not make sense in order to see it in a higher resolution to read.
So there you have it.
Thank you.
:) this post will soon be updated when changes are applied to the map service.